Exchange visitors in this category may stay for up to five years (cumulative) but must continue to pursue their original purpose. Each EV’s length of stay is limited by the program goals and funding. Normally the focus of the program activity is research, teaching, or both. Transfers between J sponsors is possible. The ability of visitors in this category to return to the US as research scholars is limited.
This category is limited to six months (cumulative) and extensions beyond this time are not possible. The focus of the program. Normally the focus of the program activity is research, teaching, or both. Transfers are possible between J sponsors but limited by the short time frame permitted for the category.
This category is limited to one year and generally does not include engagement in research or teaching. Visitors in this category have specialized knowledge or training related to the program activity in which they are invited to participate at UT.
This category may stay up to one year. Extensions beyond one year are not allowed. The intern may not have competed their degree at home and may not do so during the internship. This category is for undergraduates who are meeting a requirement for their degree.
This is a separate category from student intern and can be up to one year in duration. It allows an undergraduate or a person who has graduated within the past 12 months. The subject area is restricted to STEM majors.